With Text sharebar feature, visitors to your site can select text in your post and share it on social networking websites. This is also called as a selected text sharebar.

WP Socializer - Text sharebar

Configuring text sharebar

To display text sharebar on your website, install WP Socializer WordPress plugin.

  1. Go to WP SocializerText sharebar
  2. Under Enable/disable text sharebar click the toggle to enable the feature.
  3. Under Add buttons to text sharebar section, select the icons you want to add and click Add button
  4. Under Settings section, enter the class or ID of the post content on your website where the text sharebar should be shown. You can refer this video to grab that name.
  5. You can also change the icon color and the background color of the text sharebar.
  6. Click Save settings at the bottom of the page to save the text sharebar settings.
  7. Visit your website and select a text of the content as specified in point 4. You should see a text sharebar which can share the selected text.

More options

Configuring to show/hide on specific pages

You can configure text sharebar to shown on specific posts/pages under the Conditions to display the template section. This can be configured for all the WP Socializer features. Please see the conditional display page for more information on this.

Haven’t got the plugin yet ?

If you haven’t downloaded the plugin yet, please visit the plugin homepage to purchase and download the plugin using the link below.

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