Shortcoder v3.4.1 released for WordPress 4.4

Shortcoder 3.4.1 is released which fixes the compatability issue in WordPress 4.4. Please read further to know more info on this release. Starting Shortcoder 3.4.1 the syntax for shortcoder is [sc name="your shortcode"]. This is in effect to the shortcode API related changes made in WordPress core which made ...

10 WordPress Plugins to Optimize Performance

WordPress’s popularity is vast due to its high customization and extensibility. And it is a must to optimize wordpress for best performance. WordPress itself makes your site faster, but it is still  recommended to do some optimization works to speed up your site and to reduce bandwidth costs. Below are the ...

# Articles 1 Comment

Encoding email address in wordpress posts

Email address are frequently used in each and every posts at the bottom or at the top for contacting the post’s author. But those email addresses get spammed more. Replacements like using images instead of directly typing the addresses are also appreciable. But they can be painful inserting the ...

# Articles 2 Comments