A Flash web search which is powered by Google,Yahoo,Alexa, Ask, Microsoft Bing Search, with particular site searching facility. Google search in many languages. Highly recommended.

[sc:flash url=”flash-gadgets/all-in-one-search-big.swf” width=”300″ height=”125″ bgcolor=”#fff” flashvars=”gadgetstatus=on&showborder=off&languagebox=en&weburl=www.aakashweb.com” wmode=”transparent”]
Search this website using this gadget by choosing the second option.


  • Free flash web searcher.
  • Can search the website using the search powered by Google, Alexa, bing, Yahoo and Ask.
  • Can search the website using different languages.
  • Can search both the entire web and particular website by choosing the option available.
  • Easily Embedable.
  • Fit for all type of websites, blogs etc.


Download the package by using the link below.

(All in one search - Big, 12.2 KiB, 945 hits)

Setup – Get embed code

After downloading the gadget, upload the files to your server and use the setup wizard to get your embed code or swfobject code for placing the gadget in your website. Click the link below to launch the setup wizard.

[sc:linkBt title=”Launch-Setup” target=”_blank” href=”http://www.aakashweb.com/resources/pages/flash-gadgets/setups/all-in-one-search-big.php”]

Flashvars used :

Below is the list of flashvars used by this gadget. You can use this list for editing or creating the embed code yourself.

Flashvars Value  Description 
gadgetstatus On or Off Show or hide the gadget.
showborder On or Off Border’s Color
languagebox Google language code, found in Google’s language tools page. Your default searching language
weburl Your website url without "http://" Your website URL

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