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  • Jody

    Sorry if this has been reported, but I couldn’t find it in the forum. I just updated to 5.1 on one of my sites. I’m using the Classic Editor Plug-In, if this matters. The shortcodes in my existing posts all still seem to work, and I’m able to add my existing shortcodes to posts, but I can’t get to the settings of Shortcoder anymore to edit shortcodes or to add new ones. In the list of plug-ins, no “settings” is shown next to Shortcoder, and shortcoder doesn’t show up in my list of settings either.

    In my other site, I’m still at 4.6 and I have no problem accessing shortcoder’s settings.

    Any help with this? Thanks!

    Oh, and I love shortcoder!


    Never mind! I just saw it’s in a new place on the dashboard! Will investigate!

    Juan Zamudio

    I have the same Issue, can’t seem to find where I can add or even edit my previous shortcodes. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Juan,

    You can find the shortcoder admin page on the right side navigation bar just below posts, pages link.


    Juan Zamudio

    Hi Aakash,

    no, it’s not there sadly (assuming you meant left side), I can only see something related to the plugin when editing a page, but in the admin screen I can’t.


    I can scroll down and no signs of it either.

    I use to have it there before the updates. Tried to deactivate and activate with no luck.

    Hi Juan,

    Strange. I’ve never seen this issue reported.

    Can you please tell me what is the role of the user you’ve logged in ?
    Is it administrator/editor/author ?

    The menu will be displayed only to users of “administrator” role.

    Please check this. If you still need help, please send your website details, temporary login details of a administrator user and the password to my contact form. I’ll login and check the issue.


    Juan Zamudio

    yes I’m the admin. it was working before the updates, I actually have several shortcodes created.

    I sent you the info on the contact form.

    let me know, thank you!

    Robert Brewington

    I am also having this issue. I am administrator of my site. The ShortCode section of the navigator menu panel shows up, with entries

    All Shortcodes
    Create Shortcode

    I cannot find any settings mention; looked in the All Plugins shortcode entry,
    overall settings,

    Hi Robert,

    “all shortcodes, create shortcode, tags” are the actual settings pages.

    You can manage shortcodes under “all shortcodes”


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