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  • I’m trying to detele “noopener noreferrer” from links in the shortcodes, but it’s not possible. I know that WP forces the attribute, but I have another plugin to remove “noreferrer” from all my normal content, but the Shortcoder plugin insists that I cannot remove it. What do I do?

    Hi Claus,

    I tested this and added a link to shortcode content and “noopener noreferrer” was not added to it.

    Shortcoder does not manipulate the shortcode content.

    – Do you have any other plugin installed which does this ?

    Can you please give more details, screenshots ?


    Hi Aakash.

    Please view my screen capture here:

    Still can’t delete it.

    This problem is still not solved. Have you watched my video?

    The plugin won’t let me change the code.

    Hi Claus,

    Sorry for the late reply. I did see the video when reported.
    This issue was lost among other topics.

    Shortcoder does not append “noopener noreferrer” attribute to the links.
    As said, shortcoder does not manipulate the shortcode content.

    Some other plugin is capturing the content and injecting this.

    I’m not sure what plugin is doing this.
    Can you please share your plugin list ?
    (or) Can you please share a temporary administrator access to your site ? Please share the admin username and password and login URL to my contact form.


    Hi Claus,

    I’ve found the issue.

    This is an inherent behaivor in WordPress. If there is any link with target="_blank" the WordPress appends noreferrer.

    To ignore this, can you please add the below line to Shortcoder\admin\edit.php at line 20 ?

    add_action( 'init', 'wp_remove_targeted_link_rel_filters', 99 );

    Looks like I don’t have permission for “plugin editor” otherwise I might have added myself.


    I works.

    Thanks 🙂

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