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  • Nosaka

    I’m trying to make my custom shortcode with this

    <div class="linum" id="%%num%%">%%num%%</div>
    <div class="liname">%%name%%</div>
      <div class="lithumb-%%type%%">
          <img src="%%image%%">
    <div class="lidesc">


    And I use this shortcode in my post but doesnt work.

    [sc name="listPost" num="01" name="Naruto" type="pixiv" image="" desc="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod" ]

    I already checking the css but theres nothing wrong with it.

    Hi Nosaka,

    The issue is there are two “name” parameters

    [sc name=”listPost” num=”01″ name=”Naruto”

    The name parameter is used to identify the shortcode, so can you please use a different “custom parameter” other than “name” ?



    Oh yah.. That’s my bad. Thanks for your help is working now.

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