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  • migo33

    LinkedIn Share URL is broken and no FB icon.
    See sample:

    Multilingual Call Centres


    Hi Mike,

    1) Regarding “NO ICON” issue. The issue is with your theme. The theme you are currently using “matchboard” is appending class “fab” to support FontAwesome 5 icon set. There is no issue seen with WP Socializer.

    There is a solution to this issue. WP Socializer by default supports “fontawesome 5”. So you can select the icon set to fontawesome 5 under settings --> Font icon = fontawesome 5

    2) Regarding “LINKEDIN” issue. It looks like linkedin stopped supporting accepting page summary. WP Socializer is passing post summary for sharing which breaks linked in site.

    To solve this, please edit the following. In wp-socializer\core\lists.php replace line 328 'link' => '{url}&title={title}&summary={excerpt}', with this 'link' => '{url}',


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