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    • Woodyman

      Can you explain what causes this in the example below please?


      You can see it is grabbing text from the post.

      On most pages and posts everything works ok, but on some it doesn’t.

      I thought it was the Stumble button so I removed it, but this still happens.

      I even remade this page with different title just in case I had done something weird on the pages html, but it still does this.

      Any suggestion would help thanks.

      Please give the site URL…


      Hope you like the what I’ve done so far.

      The problem is in your side. You are using



      in the post title. Thats the problem.

      You are trying to capitalize the “ii” using an HTML tag. This tag clashes with the HTML of the plugin output.

      Just remove the above HTML from the title of the post in the post edit page.


      Wow thanks Aakash. I would never have thought that a title could effect anything at all.

      Thanks mate.

      Cheers 🙂

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