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    • thegurusmith

      Hi there!

      I have been struggling with load times on our website. Only after deactivating the WP Socializer (2.4.1) does it load extremely quick. I like what the plugin does and nothing compares in terms of functionality but the load time is really a cause for concern.

      I have tried using other plugins with do pretty much the same thing (load really quick) but just don’t cover what yours does i.e. toolbar on the bottom of the screen and pinterest and customization generally.

      I need the functionality but not the slow load time — please …. HELP!!!!!

      I too hear similar responses from some people. Ill sure make a way to bring WP Socializer really faster. But it cannot happen all at a time. Slowly, you will see the changes. Thank you.


      vaakash wrote:

      I too hear similar responses from some people. Ill sure make a way to bring WP Socializer really faster. But it cannot happen all at a time. Slowly, you will see the changes. Thank you.

      Hi Aakash,

      Really appreciate the response and your commitment into improving the slow performance of your WP Optimizer. It was taking up to 3 seconds to load on mine. 😯

      Unfortunately looking into my google stats i have found a higher than normal bounce rate due to the slow load speed ( i think) so i have had to use another plugin for now. Its now down to about 0.5 seconds with the newer (inferior) plugin. Without the inferior social plugin with all 15 other plugins installed it is almost instantaneous on load. So you are probably right that there is a connectivity issue with the relevant social sites.

      Do you know why this is happening and do you have any ideas on how to improve the performance?

      I haven’t tested fully but maybe a thinner more leaner plugin that just does the share buttons and counter at top?

      This free plugin is amazing and I have found nothing else out there quite as good so any improvement will be fantastic!

      Dean 🙂


      Hello there Aakash!

      Have you made any progress on the points raised above regarding the plugin performance?

      Thank you!


      A new version WP Socializer v2.4.5 is released with “Smart load” feature. Hope so it doesn’t make the site load slow. It is fast my tests and I am happy with it.

      More Info:

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