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  • Somvir Gill

    Enable to edit the follow icons it show blank

    Hi Somvir,

    Can you please press Ctrl+F5 on the settings page and then try opening the follow icons editor ?

    If it does not work, can you please create a dummy admin user creds and share me the login to my contact form ?


    Somvir Gill

    Hi Aakash,

    I am trying Crt+F5 but it’s not working. I can’t provide you admin user access

    Can I reinstall the plugin?

    Hi Somvir,

    Reinstalling the plugin won’t be helpful. When you say “Enable to edit the follow icons it show blank” I’m not sure which is blank.

    Can you please share any screenshot of the issue ?
    This would help me help you faster.


    Somvir Gill

    Hi Aakash,

    When I click on open editor button I see only blank.

    Hi Somvir,

    Sorry for the inconvienence. This is something not reported by anyone and since there is no live access, things are taking time.

    Can you please do the following ?

    1) Open this page <your_website>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wpsr_follow_icons_editor&template=W10%3D&cnt_id=fb_template_val&prev_id=fb_prev_wrap
    2) Press ctrl+shift+i
    3) Press f5 to refresh the page
    4) Click the “down arrow” icon (export HAR)
    5) Share the downloaded file with me by uploading somewhere.

    I’ll analyze the downloaded file and let you know further.


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