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  • Leonide Principe

    Hi, please I would like to have a link, in the Admin Menu, to access the shortcoder editor.
    I mean the list of all posts created from Custom Editor.
    THanks for Helping, Leo

    Hi Leonide,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder – PRO.

    Right now there is no option to add that link to the menu.
    But you can accesss the custom editors using the link below.


    Please bookmark this link for now.

    I’ll add an option in the next version to add the custom editor list page in the menu.


    Leonide Principe

    Hi Aakash, thank you for you reply, and for the update.
    Please, permit me to write more about my wish list:
    I would like to access directly the Guthemberg editor and stay on it, I am including thumbnails on my shortcodes.
    I use Elementor too, but I prefer Guthemberg for Shortcoder because of separate tasks, webdesign in Elementor, proofreading in Guthemberg.
    Thanks again and congratulation for your plugin, Leo

    Hi Leonide,

    The shortcode picks content, based on the type of editor i.e visual, code or custom. So if custom editor then you need to click “open custom editor” to open the gutenberg/elementor or your editor of choice.

    This is the direct way to access the editor. If I add link of all custom editors like you requested previously, that would be more easier I guess. Please let me know if you are looking for something else.


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