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  • c-master

    Hi AaKash Chakravarthy

    i m using you plugin with wpml wordpress.
    Your plugin is very nice i love it … very simply and fast.
    Nevertheless, when i create a short code in a specifique langue, i ask the translation in other language
    ex : shorcode in Uk …. tranlating in DE, FR, IT and so on…
    The name of the short code is the same for all the language: [sc name="test"][/sc]
    but when i used this short in translated languages and pages, the result is the content of the reference UK Shortcode…
    If i change the name of the shotcode for example [sc name="test-fr"][/sc] fr for french translation … it’s working… it would be better for the futur translation to have the same code on every pages… i mean [sc name="test"][/sc] … to avoid manuel changes…

    Do you have a solution for wpml wordpress ? if yes can you make this developpement ? and your price ? thank you

    Hi c-master,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder. Sorry for the late reply. I understand your requirement.

    Right now shortcoder is not integrated with any language translation plugin as there was no need for it earlier.

    I have not used WPML personally so I would need to play with it before I could see how well this could be integerated with WPML.

    I would suggest the same method you have mentioned for now. I have added this to my todo list and I’ll work on it in the near future and update you if there is any chance I could support this but I cannot promise any date right now.

    Hope you understand.. cheers !


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