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  • vivaldo moscatelli

    Hi all,
    always thanks for your wondeful work
    I have a little problem with the article’s footnote: I use the plugin footnotes
    and as you can see here (when I generate the pdf versione of the article):
    the footnote text is doubled close to the number.
    Can you please help: I can easily change the plugin if you have a suggestion.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vivaldo,

    Thanks for using WP Socializer.

    WP Socializer will transfer the link to “” website to take a print or generate a PDF.

    I saw the “printfriendly” page and I could not find any issue. All looked good to me.

    Even if you see any issue, WP Socializer plugin has no control over it.
    It is because it is the printfriendly website providing that service.

    They do provide feature where users can click and remove unwanted paragraphs before printing.


    Hi Vivaldo,

    I see that you have started a topic on Print friendly WordPress forum.

    Please give me some time, I’ll go through their docs and see if I can suggest some code for you so that you can continue to use the print-friendly button along with WP Socializer.


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