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  • Michiel van Reenen

    Hi. Using WP-Socializer on ONLY on its homepage does a mysterious <br />-tag appear in the bit of source-code pertaining to the sharing icons, making the twitter-icon end up below the facebook-icon rather than to the right of it. And this only happens from the second poem on downwards.

    Didn’t use to be the case: most likely result of an update.

    But for the life of me, I cannot find an option to remove said unwanted tag, nor find the bit of code that injects it in any PHP-file or in my WordPress-db.

    Am I overlooking something?

    I would greatly appreciate any help.

    Hi Michiel,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    It seems some of your plugin/theme is adding them.

    Can you please try disabling any unnecessary plugin/ anything which you think will cause the issue ?

    You might have to disable this line breaks by following the suggestions as in the link below if nothing works.


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