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  • Z650 PR

    Hello, for some reason when i create a widget box, i cant see the close button, its either closed and i cant open it, or its open and i cant close it.

    Z650 PR

    if i load an empty widget, i see the button, but when i select a widget, it desapears. im loading a chat within an iframe

    Z650 PR

    I was trying to use another plugin to manage code snipets, seems that its not compatible, once i used the WP “custom html widget” its now working.

    Hi @z650pr,

    Thanks for using Ultimate floating widgets.

    Both open and close button will not be displayed when “trigger for the widget box” is set to “Automatic on scroll”.

    But I guess that is not case in your side ?

    Can you please share your website URL ? It would be easy for me to find the issue.


    Z650 PR


    I used the default WP code widget and it worked. it was not working when using xyz HTML to manage snippets.


    Can you please share your website URL ? It would be easy for me to find the issue.


    Z650 PR

    Thank you, but its not possible as its a test environment, and not publicly available. It seems like a compatibility issue between the 2 plugins.

    Ok.. if you can confirm if it is the script that is causing the issue. Then you can share me the script. I ‘ll try it on my site and see what I can find..

    As of now I cannot guess any reason why close button disappears.. your input can fix any bug if it is true.


    Z650 PR

    i can send it to you privately, its a MS PowerApps Chat Bot whithin an iframe, it works, it just does not work if i use it through XYZ HTML Snippets plugin

    Ok sure.. please double confirm if your custom code is the one causing the issue. You can then pass it on t me via my contact form


    I’ll see what I can do.


    Z650 PR

    I dont think its the code, since its working now, i just did not use the xyz plugin.

    Ok cool … so looks like all good now !
    Cheers !

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