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  • schweg33

    Schulklassen Eschen Nendeln

    I have installed the “ultimate floating widgets” plugin
    then there are magnifying glasses under the pictures.

    If I deactivate the plugin, the magnifying glasses disappear again

    do you know what causes this?

    thanks for your info

    kind regards

    Hi Franz,

    The icons in UFW plugin are displayed using fontawesome icons.
    May be the slideshow plugin is also using the same.

    If UFW plugin is active, the fontawesome icons are loaded which shows the magnifier icon. WHne it is disabled the slidehsow plugin is not showing it’s icon.

    I guess it is better to check with that slidehsow plugin author with UFW plugin disabled to get an idea why this is happening in their plugin.

    Let me know if you need any clarification.



    Thank you Aakash
    For your feedback
    I have sent the message to the gallery manufacturer.
    now I have to wait and see

    I’ll get back to you when I know something
    kind regards

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