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    • Fever905

      Hi there – I am using the Collapser on a page with another jQuery.

      I wanting to know how I can go to the next div when the ajax form is submitted from within the first collapser.

      From the DEMO I am using DEMO6 as my guide.

      So for example, this is a checkout – the user fills in the information in the first collapser and clicks submit, the Ajax calls the information and loads the new content into the second collaper through ajax, then how do I make the current div close, and the next collapser open?

      Do I need to create a function to do this? My ajax code is very simple, I will show you here:


      My collapser code is here:


      Thank you for a great and simple plugin. If you can help me with this I will be very happy and I will pay it forward. Thank you again.

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