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  • seds

    I use this plugin to create prototype for CF7 form, to allow web site administrator to update prototype if he needs, without access to template child code source.

    I tried something like that to use worpdress internalization, but it failed:

    <div class='prototype bg-light border p-2 mb-3' data-item='' data-price='' data-all=''>
        <div class='row'>
            <div class='col-12 item-data'>
                <label class='item-label'><span></span> :</label><br>
                <input type='hidden' name='item[__id__][name]' value=''><br>
                <input type='hidden' name='item[__id__][price]' value=''>
            <div class='col-12'>
                <label><?php _e( "Reason", "storefront-child" ); ?> <abbr class="required">*</abbr></label>
            <div class='col-6'>
                <select name='return-object__id__' class='return-object'>
                    <option value='<?php _e( "Exchange", "storefront-child" ); ?>'>
                        <?php _e( "Exchange", "storefront-child" ); ?></option>
                    <option value='<?php _e( "Refund", "storefront-child" ); ?>'>
                        <?php _e( "Refund", "storefront-child" ); ?></option>

    Then retuns:

    <div class="prototype bg-light border p-2 mb-3" data-item="" data-price="" data-all="">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-12 item-data">
                <label class="item-label"><span></span> :</label><br>
                <input type="hidden" name="item[__id__][name]" value=""><br>
                <input type="hidden" name="item[__id__][price]" value="">
            <div class="col-12">
                <label><!--?php _e( "Reason", "storefront-child" ); ?--> <abbr class="required">*</abbr></label>
            <div class="col-6">
                <select name="return-object__id__" class="return-object">
                    <option value="<?php _e( &quot;Exchange&quot;, &quot;storefront-child&quot; ); ?>">
                        <!--?php _e( "Exchange", "storefront-child" ); ?--></option>
                    <option value="<?php _e( &quot;Refund&quot;, &quot;storefront-child&quot; ); ?>">
                        <!--?php _e( "Refund", "storefront-child" ); ?--></option>

    Do you have any solution?

    Hi @seds,

    With Shortcoder plugin, we can create shortcodes for HTML/CSS/JS.

    Here you are using PHP code which the plugin will not execute.
    You might have to use “code snippets” to use PHP code.

    Please let me know if I misunderstood your query.



    Thank you I will remember
    But I opt to create the shortcode with an add_shortcode(), the .mo lang being already in place

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