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  • simonaksh34b2

    I have a Google News feed at but as you can see the description text seems to just be a duplicate of the title? Any ideas?

    This is my shortcode:

    [srr_feed urls="" color_style="card" show_author=1 show_date=1 date_format="jS F Y" order_by="date" count="30" display_type="grid" thumbnail_size="150px" thumbnail_position="cover" thumbnail_force="always" thumbnail_default="" template="<h4>%%title%%</h4> %%thumbnail%% %%description%% %%metadata%%"]

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader – PRO.

    I analyzed the RSS feed you are using and see that the title and description are of same text hence you are seeing the same in the reader.

    Since Super RSS Reader works on the RSS feed content, it happens to be that the source material is having such content.

    1) I would suggest try different RSS feed source with same content.
    2) Disable feed description altogether and keep only the title and the image.

    Please let me know how I can help you further on this.


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