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  • yann


    I am using Git it Write to publish some blogs within wordpress
    my blog are in english and french
    The wordpress plugin for the multi-language is Polylang

    What will be the best organization in github when writing a blog in several languages ?
    separate repo ? same repo, multi dirs? 1 repo, 1 dir but 1 md file per language ? other ?

    Thanks for your help

    Hi Yann,

    I’ll check and get back to you on this in a couple of days.



    Did you have time to have a look ?

    Hi @yann,

    I’m extremely sorry.

    I looked at this and played with polylang. It looks like the way how polylang associates the posts with a language is something cannot be done using GIW.

    You can however create posts using GIW in whatever organization you want, but to let polylang know what post is associated to which language cannot be done.

    As of now GIW does not have any official integration with polylang. This is not in the todo list. Not sure how long it would take.

    I would suggest to use GIW only for one posts of one language.



    Hello Aakash,
    Thank you for your answer

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