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  • Sachin Nawale

    Screenshot :

    Hi support.
    Last time I have sent the same issue but still that issue not resolved. I used floating sharebar’s custom Html element and added one image which belongs to the same site so I have added the target self html property but the issue is when we click on that image, the image automatically opens in the new tab. That should not happen if I targeted self.

    Thank you

    Hi @Sachin,

    I see the behavior. Right now all links are designed to open in a popup that is the reason _self did not work.

    I can suggest you to make a small change to the code.

    In plugin editor go to wp-socializer/core/templates/floating-sharebar.php and line number 39 remove 'sr-popup'. Finally it should look like below.

    $classes = array( 'socializer', 'sr-vertical' );

    This should fix the issue.


    Sachin Nawale

    Thank you, Akash.

    Cheers ! I’ll mark this thread resolved.

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