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  • Dan Tidswell


    I have purchased and installed the Pro version and it pulling this feed:

    There is a ‘location’ attribute that I need to display, is this possible?

    Hi Dan,

    Right now there is no out of the box option to print any XML tag in the RSS feed. I have this item in my todo list. I don’t have an exact release date yet.

    But for now you can add below line to display the “location” tag you want.

    In plugin editor edit super-rss-reader-pro/includes/feed.php file and insert below line after line 250.

    $loc = $item->get_item_tags(SIMPLEPIE_NAMESPACE_RSS_20, 'location');
    $t_desc .= '<em>' . $loc[0]['data'] . '</em>';

    So it looks like this.

    This will display the location after description like below.


    Dan Tidswell

    Thanks Aakash, that works fine my needs – very much appreciated.

    Excellent ! Cheers !

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