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    • brenton

      I have a contact form in the space to the right of the text on the home page” class=”bbcode_url”>, but when I installed wp socializer, it seems to have forced it off the page. Now, I’ve removed it, but the contact form/sidebar is still gone? I am at a bit of a loss as to how to fix this.

      Try adding the form once again to the sidebar. It will work.


      I have just removed the contact form and then added it back, and it’s still not visible on the homepage. The same contact form is visible on other pages of the site. When I initially installed the plugin, it put a lot of buttons in the text of the homepage and I believe it forced the sidebar out of view. Any other ideas?

      Are you sure this issue is due to WP Socializer ??? I am wondering why WP Socializer creates. Because there is no need for the plugin interfere there and there is no provision for made for that.

      Are you using Widgets for the contact form ??? What do you mean by “it seems to have forced it off the page”

      WP Socializer uses the normal API as per WordPress. If other widgets work, then WPSR should also work.


      The sidebar had a contact form in it, and when I installed WP Socializer the sidebar disappeared at that exact moment. The icons it put into the post were very wide and took up the space that the sidebar used to occupy. I have since removed WP Socializer, but I can’t make the sidebar reappear because I’m not really certain what happened to it.

      Try using the “TwentyEleven” theme (for testing purpose) and check whether it appears there. After that revert it to the original theme.

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