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    • Supafly

      Thank you for an awesome theme. Moved from Sociable to yours and love it.

      I am using WP IncantationPro theme and the slider has a text area that are custom pages. These pages do not have the WP Socializer options in the right sidebar of my dashboard like all the regular pages do. Therefore, I am unable to disable the social icons for those pages.

      You can see an example at my home page slider at

      Can you please show me how to disable the social icons for just those 4 pages so the social icons do not show in the mini-text areas of my slider?

      Thank you.

      Under those post edit page, you will see a metabox on the right side named “WP Socializer”. It contains options to disable WP Socializer on that specific page. Thank you.



      Thanks for the quick response, but I think you breezed through my question without really reading all of it.

      “…I am using WP IncantationPro theme and the slider has a text area that are custom pages. These pages do not have the WP Socializer options in the right sidebar of my dashboard like all the regular pages do. Therefore, I am unable to disable the social icons for those pages.”

      The icons show in this theme, but the function to remove them from the page does not. Do you have hacking instructions to remove from specific pages in the editor?



      What kind of posts are they actually ?? normal posts or custom post types ??

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