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  • Valve Tech

    Good day,

    Very interested in your RSS Plugin, am curious about some Pro requirements:

    Can / how do I customise the look and feel – i.e. change title colours, spacing between each article within the feed, bullet point (?), padding etc

    Great looking plugin, but I would like to be able to reduce spacing – will purchase once confirmed.

    Hi Valve,

    Thanks for checking Super RSS Reader plugin.

    The RSS reader has “CSS class” names set to various elements like title, description, thumbnail etc. Users can tweak the style using this as per their requirement. Below FAQ has the list of class names which you can use.


    However, there is no form or GUI option provided to customize these considering the requirements are usually very diverse.

    The ability to customize the RSS reader, the class names etc. remain the same in both free and PRO. The PRO version does not provide explicit options/form to customize that. You can continue with the free version if you are looking for customization alone. The list of PRO only features are listed below.

    Super RSS Reader

    Super RSS Reader also provides WordPress “hooks” using which you can modify the output like including custom text, pulling custom feed data, adding custom class etc. Below document has more info on this.

    Actions and Filters

    Please do let me know if you are any more questions, I would be happy to clarify them.


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