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  • Lars

    Hi all,

    since the latest update the cache in WP-Rocket resets every time a visitor is online.
    If i disable Shortcoder, everything is OK

    I rollback to the previous Version until its fixed 🙂

    All the best,


    Hi Lars,

    I do not understand the issue.

    Can you please explain ?

    How does shortcode affect a caching ?



    Hi Aakash,

    i am not sure how this is working, but after the update of shortcoder the wordpress-cache AND the WP-Rocket Cache is cleared everytime a page is visited.

    I think the WP-Rocke cache is in dependancy with the WordPress cache (everytime WP-Cache is cleared, WP-Rocket does also).

    So maybe it is a problem with shortcode and the wordpress cache. If i rollback to the previous version of shortcoder everything is fine.

    i hope this helps.

    all the best,


    Hi Lars,

    Shortcoder does not clear WordPress cache.

    The previous version of shortcoder and the current version had no big change.

    I can’t figure out any issue in your case.

    Can you please check and confirm if other possibly related caching plugins are not the issue ?
    Also, what operation did you do in shortcoder which led to clearing the cache ?


    Hi Lars,

    Please do let me know once you have observations on this.



    Hi Aakash,

    at this time i’m reviewing my code inside the shortcodes… maybe it’s a problem in there?
    That would be strange, because i didn’t change anything….

    i let you know if i have found the problem 🙂

    all the best,


    Hi Lars,

    It is the same with Shortcoder too. Nothing major changed in the new version.
    Also the shortcode content won’t affect the cache.

    Can you please answer below queries ?

    1) Can you please check and confirm if other possibly related caching plugins are not the issue ?
    2) Also, what operation did you do in shortcoder which led to clearing the cache ?


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