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  • Chad Charkowski

    We are using Super RSS Pro to pull in relevant news and research articles for our website and we love it, but our web developers are saying that you can’t stop or pause the feed. We love that this pulls real time, but we want to vet or read all the articles that pull in once a week.

    So, in a perfect world, we would want to pause this from puling any new articles in and just display the ones that have already pulled in. That way we can review and read/vet these articles before we turn it back on and pull in more. If you can’t stop this can you pause it?

    Finally, we have 20 displayed now for each of our categories, but is there anyway to see past articles that pulled in before new ones kicked them out of viewing. Sometimes there are so many good articles pulling in that you can’t get back to an article that maybe you saw the day before, but is now gone because new articles/links refreshed and forced the old ones out.

    Thank you so much for your help on this!

    Hi Chad,

    Super RSS Reader does not pull articles on the fly.

    It loads certain number of RSS feed items and scrolls them vertically. It does not dynamically pull the feed items.

    You can configure the number of items to load on the page under the “general” tab.

    Once they are loaded on the page, they keeping looping like a news ticker vertically.

    Please do let me know if this didn’t answer your query.


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