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  • Koji Otsuki

    I had been using the previous version of Announcer plugin for a few years. It was great that I can display announcement messages in the dashboard area of an intranet portal site as content, not as a banner, using a PHP widget and the echo construct(<?php echo announcer( x ); ?>. Would you please consider allowing a similar function in the new version, perhaps with shortcodes?
    Also, if this is out of the question, would you make ver. 3 available again somewhere?

    Hi Koji,

    Thanks for using announcer plugin.

    A shortcode announcements in the plan it will be available soon.

    Regarding PHP function you can try use the code below.

    1) Create an announcement
    2) Make it “inactive”
    3) Make Position -> Sticky = No
    4) Use below code.
    5) Replace ID with the announcement ID (you can find in the addressbar in the edit page)

    $announcements = Announcer::get_announcements();
    $announcement_id = 'ID';
    ANCR_Display::html( $announcement_id, $announcements[ $announcement_id ] );


    If you want to go with the old version you can download from here –>


    Koji Otsuki

    Hi Aakash,

    The code worked! I’m sure this is a huge help for many users!! And thank you for including the Announcer shortcode implementation in the future plan. Developers like you make our jobs a bit easier each day, and you deserve a couple of cups of coffee from me. Thank you!!


    Hi Koji,

    I’m happy that your like the plugin !

    Please do rate if you have time.

    Cheers !


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