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    • dallisonlee

      Hi –

      I love, love how announcer looks! …but am having trouble because:

      1. It keeps telling me that my date format is incorrect. The format is: YYYY-MM-DD. I entered 2010-12-31 (2010 December 31) and I get an error message that this date has expired or is invalid. This is the correct date and format but I keep getting an error message.

      2. Also, when the announcer is activated, my blog feed cannot be validated or found. So, Twitterfeed and Networked blogs couldn’t pull the feed this morning as they normally do. WP Editorial Calendar doesn’t work when Announcer is activated either. That said, I’ve had to deactivate it for the time being. Simply turning off the announcement doesn’t work.

      Advice? Thanks for your help!


      Hello dallisonlee,

      Thanks for using Announcer plugin !

      Both are serious bugs and it is due to code errors in the plugin 🙄 !! It will be soon corrected in the next version.

      A very thanks for the Report !!

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