There are 43 files, weighing 13.5 MiB with 28,452 hits in total.

Displaying 1 to 20 of 43 files.

jQuery Plugins

  jQuery Collapser plugin
» 3.3 KiB - 600 hits - April 21, 2012
Jquery collapser is a multi purpose collapser plugin made for expanding and collapsing elements. Can create a accordion, list collapser using this plugin

  jQuery Easy ticker plugin
» 4.3 KiB - 606 hits - April 21, 2012
Jquery easy ticker is a news ticker like plugin, which scrolls the list infinitely. It is highly customizable with lot of features and it is cross browser supported.

  jQuery lite content slider plugin
» 4.1 KiB - 585 hits - April 21, 2012
Jquery lite content slider is a really a light weight content slider with the ability to slide and any content with high customizability.

  jQuery selected text sharer plugin
» 5.9 KiB - 564 hits - April 21, 2012
Jquery selected text sharer is a promoting and enhancing plugin focusing to increase the site usage. This plugin displays a widget having links to search / share, above the selected text. Inspired from NY times website.

  jQuery Textbox hinter plugin
» 2.5 KiB - 573 hits - April 21, 2012
Jquery textbox hinter is plugin which allows to add hints to textboxes and textareas. Acts as a complete replacement for labels.

Wordpress Plugins

» unknown - 382 hits - December 8, 2009
Easiest & powerful announcement plugin ever made with advanced features like custom css,ID,auto expiry,cookies, cross browser & theme support.

  HTML-Javascript Adder
» 518.7 KiB - 433 hits - December 8, 2009
This HTML-Javascript Adder allows you to insert HTML, Javascript, simple text and other codes in your sidebar. You can use this plugin to embed flash also. This is very useful if one wants to add some javascripts. You can also add advertisements and arrange it. It is a widget and it can be arranged where ever. No need of editing the sidebar.php file to add javascripts and flash embed codes. Even swfobject javascripts can also be added.

» unknown - 376 hits - December 8, 2009
A wordpress plugin for using the shortcode API for inserting HTML, Javascript inside the post.

  Super RSS Reader
» 342.6 KiB - 387 hits - December 8, 2009
Super RSS Reader is a flash based fully customizable RSS Feeds reader with many customizing options. This RSS Feed reader works with great speed with efficiency. Number of options for changing the theme and style of the RSS Reader.

  WP Socializer
» 1.4 MiB - 354 hits - April 21, 2012
All in one plugin for inserting Social bookmarking buttons(105), Retweet, Google+1, Facebook, LinkedIn, Addthis, Sharethis buttons in a WordPress site


  AW Javascript toggler
» 2.8 KiB - 799 hits - May 4, 2010
AW Javascript toggler with cookie is a simple and light weight, javascript which toggles the visibility of elements with cookie. So they remain visible or hidden by cookie on the return visit.

  AW Quick Tag Editor
» 6.8 KiB - 830 hits - May 4, 2010
AW Quick Tag Editor is a very simple tag based editor toolbar for a textarea. Very light-weight (only 2.4kb) . Cross browser supported. Can include any no of buttons to toolbars, with any customized function ! No additional files or images required. Buttons are made of input tags and can be easily customized with CSS. Suits any website, fast loading.

  Selected Text Sharer - Js
» 5.9 KiB - 769 hits - August 8, 2010
Selected text sharer is a promoting and enhancing javascript focusing to increase the site usage. This javascript displays a widget having links to search / share, above the selected text. Inspired from NY times web site.

Flash Games

  A chicken game
» 926.1 KiB - 831 hits - December 7, 2009
Help the chicken get its prey.

  Ball Game
» 1.0 MiB - 923 hits - December 5, 2009
A ball game adventure.

  Bubble Pong
» 862.0 KiB - 774 hits - December 7, 2009
A simple pong game with a different.

  Click it
» 863.8 KiB - 1,871 hits - December 7, 2009
A complete different game which involves the skill of clicking.

  Egg game
» 890.4 KiB - 994 hits - December 7, 2009
A game for egg shooters.

» 897.0 KiB - 711 hits - December 7, 2009
Help the parachute to escape from the fallings.

  How many are there
» 841.5 KiB - 793 hits - December 7, 2009
Count many squares and circles are there.


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