The WP Socializer v2.0 Beta 2 is now released after a good response from the users. The beta 1 had some bugs and now in beta 2 those bugs are fixed. Also beta 2 has some new features and admin UI tweaks.

The beta 2 was tested in WordPress 3.2.1 and it ran smoothly with no issues. It should run smoothly on other WordPress versions also.

Changes made in v2.0 Beta:

  • Shortcode button in posts page bug fixed.
  • Instapaper button now available in both 16px and 32px sizes.
  • One click setup template refinements.
  • Default values are changed.
  • New fixed message bar.
  • Upgrade from v1.0 to v2.0 settings migration added.

Features in v2.0:

  • Added many social buttons.
  • Admin UI rededigned completely.
  • Hundreds of lines re-coded.
  • Added more buttons like sharethis, addthis etc..
  • Supports the latest Buttons till Google +1.
  • Supports shortcodes, so button can be used in posts and widgets.
  • One surprising new useful feature 🙂
  • And lots more, you will find in the admin itself.


Use the link below to download WP Socializer v2.0 [Beta-2]

Please post you bugs and suggestions in the forum. Necessary things will be fixed as soon as possible. Forum link.Check out WP Socializer v1.0 here.

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