I was completely thinking and working for a month to get a best way to list the inspiring design related articles, tutorials and freebies in my site. Finally I got a way of publishing the kind of articles I actually love. The category is called “Collections”. It holds a group of inspiring articles, tools, kits and news which will be useful for designers and a newbie.

The articles are sub-categorized into 3 as News, Tutorials, Freebies and Deals. Each sub-category hold a collection of best design related article published in the web. Issues are planned to be published in a weekly manner. This is a step to prevent the inactiveness of my site. I’m sure the future collection of articles will inspire and be loved by all.

For about 1 month was involved in making this possible in my site. The design is made to be flexible for any sub-category. The articles focus on the preview of the content and the live output seems to look good as I expected.

Meantime planning this section, I was unable to concentrate on my personal projects like my WordPress plugins. WP Socializer was left without an update. I’m sure I’ll come back with pushing updates for all my plugins. I’ll also soon introduce a new framework for WordPress which is currently in documentation process.

Follow the new category for your inspiration just by subscribing to weekly email feature using the form below. Check the first issues in all the three categories. Hope you enjoy this new addition to the site.

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