Announcer v5.2 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions.

Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb

✨ Changelog

  • PRO: Visitor conditions – To match URL with a text.
  • PRO: Visitor conditions – Based on no. of times an user has visited the site.
  • PRO: Visitor conditions – Based on no. of times an user has logged in.
  • New: "Custom" display option to open the announcement as needed using JS API.
  • New: New option to add extra padding to the announcement bar.
  • Fix: Apostrophe not saved when button text is CTA.
  • Fix: jQuery exception when trying to add padding when admin bar is shown.
  • Fix: Disable autocomplete for the schedule date picker.
  • Fix: "Terms of post" criteria was not checking the post type.
  • Fix: Minor enhancements to admin settings field.

Getting the update

You can update the plugin directly from your WordPress administration page by navigating to Dashboard > Updates. This applies to both free and PRO versions of the plugin.

You can also download the free version of the plugin from and upload it manually. For the PRO version you can follow the documentation. If you haven’t got the PRO version yet, you can get it here.

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