jQuery Conditioner - Demo Page

This plugin allows to conditionally display elements based on an input element value. It has inline-options feature which allows to do this very easily, something similar to angular JS's ng-if feature.

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Simple Example

Select a fruit

Please select a fruit - Hint: Banana has more options !

Banana section
Banana options go here ...
<select id="fruits">
    <option value="apple">Apple</option>
    <option value="banana">Banana</option>
    <option value="mango">Mango</option>

<!-- Plugin options given inline -->
<div class="banana-section"
    Here are the Banana options ..

    $( '.banana-section' ).conditioner();

Pattern matching

Select an orientation and position for the box

Select any position of horizontal to get more options on it.

Here are some options for horizontal box.
<select class="boxOrientation">
    <option value="vl-left">Vertical - Left</option>
    <option value="vl-right">Vertical - Right</option>
    <option value="hl-top">Horizontal - Top</option>
    <option value="hl-bottom">Horizontal - Bottom</option>

<!-- Here we are looking for a pattern "hl" in the input's value -->
<div class="horizontalOptions"
    Here are some options for horizontal box.

    $( '.horizontalOptions' ).conditioner();

Selecting input elements relatively

Input elements can also be selected in relative to the element which has to be hidden.

Type "hello"
Welcome ! Here are some more options
        <td>Type "hello"</td>
        <td><input type="text" /></td>
    <tr class="greetings"
    data-condr-events="keyup change">
        <td>Welcome !</td>
        <td>Here are some more options</td>

    $( '.greetings' ).conditioner();

Setting options externally

Through external options multiple values can be checked.

Ah ! Finally ... you can
    <li><input type="text" class="step1" placeholder="type hey" /></li>
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="step2" value="disagree" /> I Disagree</label> <label><input type="radio" value="agree" name="step2" />I Agree</label>  </li>
    <li><label><input type="checkbox" id="step3"/> I once again agree to the terms</label></li>
<div class="multipleConditions">Ah ! Finally ... you can <button>Submit</button></div>

    conditions: [
            input: '.step1',
            type: 'simple',
            value: 'hey'
            input: '[name=step2]',
            type: 'simple',
            value: 'agree'
            input: '#step3'
    events: 'click keyup',
    onTrue: function(){  $(this).fadeIn( 'slow' );  },
    onFalse: function(){  $(this).slideUp( 'slow' );  }