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    • puissdir

      Hi !

      Thanks for this great plugin.

      I see in the sources of wp-socializer that strings are already surrounded by __’s.

      Do you provide any .po files ? and collect translated .po files ?

      I’ve started to translate WP-socializer in french, and I ran in the following problem:

      In the file wp-socializer.php, many of the strings that are on the front side of the site are declared in the $wpsr_socialsites_list array. Which is declared before the translations are loaded.

      So to make it work, I had to move the line


      load_plugin_textdomain(‘wpsr’, false, dirname(plugin_basename( __FILE__ )) . ‘/languages’);

      from the wpsr_init() function to the beginning of the file.

      Also, some strings are not included in __() , for example ‘Add to favorites’

      Right now, with this fix, I could get my .mo file loaded.

      It would be nice to integrate in the base code a solution for the translations on front site.

      Best regards,


      Thanks for your interest and sorry for the late reply. The next version 2.5 is planned to be designed for internationalization feature. Kindly wait for the update. Thank you.

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